Таблица 1
Организации, занимающиеся вопросами психизма
Страна | Город | Наименование организации | Источник |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
USA | New York | American society for psychical research | 1271 |
Durham, Noth Carolina |
Institute for parapsychology | 1501 |
Durham, Noth Carolina |
Southeastern regional parapsychological association |
1501 |
Psychical research foundation inc, (c 1961 года) |
1275 |
Parapsychological association (c 1957 года) |
1501 |
Parapsychology Foundation |
1501 |
Illinois center for parapsychological research |
1501 |
Division of parapsychology and psychophysics of the Maimonides medical center |
1501 |
Student parapsychology Coalition in California |
1501 |
GB |
London |
Society for psychical research |
1336 |
Cambridge |
Society for psychical research of Cambridge University |
1501 |
London |
The Institute of parascience |
1503 |
Canada |
Kingston (Ontario) |
Kingston Association for research in parasciences |
1501 |
Toronto |
Toronto society for psychical research |
828 |
New horisons Foundation |
828 |
South Africa |
Iohannessburg |
South African Society for psychical research |
828 |
France |
Paris |
L'institut metapsyhique international |
1503 |
Bordeay |
L'association Bordelaise d'Etudes metapsychique |
1503 |
Le group d'etudes et de recherches en parapsychologie |
1503 |
Holland |
Utrecht |
Chair of parapsychology in University of Utrecht |
1501 |
Luxembourg |
Luxembourg |
International University of parapsychology |
1501 |
Italia |
Bologna |
Centro studi parapsicologii di Bologna |
1503 |
Associazione Italiana scientifica di metapsichica |
Espania |
Madrid |
Sociedad Espaniola di parapsicologia |
1503 |
Japan |
Odaware City |
International University for religion and parapsychology |
1501 |
Mexico |
Mexico |
Sociedad Mexicana de parapsicologia |
1501 |
Argentina |
Buenos Aires |
Instituto Argentine de parapsicologia |
1501 |
Santafesino |
Instituto Santafesino de parapsicologia |
1501 |